Are you ready to tap into the power of your intuition and learn to use art-making as a tool for radical self-care?
Whether you're an experienced artist or a curious beginner, this mini class is for you. Come as you are, bring your favorite materials, and start your creative self-care revolution!
5 simple prompts, 5 inspiring lessons.
(Oh, and it's all FREE!)

Lesson 1
Prompt: I Am ______
Lesson 2
Prompt: I'm Allowed To ______
Lesson 3
Prompt: What's True For Me Right Now?
Lesson 4
Prompt: What Would A Best Friend Tell You?
Lesson 5
Prompt: What If ______
Sign up and get immediate access to all the lessons, so you can go at your own pace.
You in?
Yes, I'm ready to start!
“Practice any art, music, singing, dancing, acting, drawing, painting, sculpting, poetry, fiction, essays, reportage, no matter how well or badly, not to get money and fame, but to experience becoming, to find out what’s inside you, to make your soul grow.” –– Kurt Vonnegut
Welcome to my FREE Art For Self-Care Mini Class!
I'm so happy you're here and that you've made this bold step toward experiencing the magical ways that art-making can enhance your well-being. In this mini class you'll learn how to tap into the power of your intuition and use art-making as a tool for radical self-care.
The lessons are designed for you to complete 1 each day, for 5 days in a row. But if you'd like to move more quickly or more slowly than that, that's totally ok! You make the rules for you.
You'll learn the powerful (and simple!) process I developed for myself and how to make it work in your own life – you'll learn to use art-making to connect with your inner voice, express your real emotions, and cultivate a deeper relationship with yourself. It's made a profound impact on my well-being, and it can do the same for you!
During each of the 5 lessons you'll:
- Tune in to your intuition/inner voice using a prompt to guide you
- Listen for a message from your inner voice that's just for you
- Make a piece of art that incorporates what you hear
I'll share my story and my favorite supplies and resources along the way, as I demonstrate my process over the course of the 5 lessons.
At the end of the mini class, you'll be well on your way to creating your own life-giving art-making practice that'll contribute to your inner well-being and strengthen your relationship with your inner self – your connection to the source of all things. (It's pretty powerful!)

Do I have to be an artist to take this mini class?
What supplies will I need?
When does the class start?
Do you have other classes I can take, if I love this and want more?
How do I get in touch with you if I have more questions?
Hi, I'm Jess!
I'm on a mission to help people feel better through art. Making art helps me process my inner world. One of my biggest goals is to help you feel better, too. Art-making can be used as a tool for radical self-care and meaningful self-discovery, and I want to show you how!
In this mini-class I'll show you how I create artwork that's personal, powerful, and potent, and I'll guide you in getting started making this kind of art for yourself.
Come with me, and let's do this together! I'll lead the way.
I can't wait to see what you create and hear about your transformation!